Tocanita de porc cu mere – Apple&Pork Stew

M-am inspirat pentru acest preparat dintr-o reteta gasita in “Secretele bucatariei”, modificand un pic ingredientele si modul de preparare. Eu ador sa folosesc fructe in preparate sarate. Acest fel de mancare este deosebit de gustos si il recomand calduros.



  • 500g carne de porc, cuburi;
  • 2 cepe medii, taiate fin;
  • 2 catei usturoi, feliati subtire;
  • 300 ml suc de mere;
  • 500 ml apa fierbinte;
  • 3-4 mere;
  • 1 lingurita miere;
  • Suc de lamaie;
  • Sare, piper.

Se pune carnea la prajit intr-un ceaun, in putin ulei. In momentul in care si-a schimbat culoarea, adaugati ceapa si caliti cateva minute. Turnati apa fierbinte si lasati sa fiarba la foc mic circa 40 de minute. Completati cu apa fierbinte daca este nevoie. Puneti sare, sucul de mere. Lasati sa fiarba inca 15-20 de minute la foc mic. Curatati merele si taiati-le felii. Adaugati-le in ceaun, cu putin suc de lamaie, usturoiul si mierea. Lasati pe foc inca 5 minute, timp in care asezonati, daca mai e nevoie, cu sare si piper. Opriti focul. Pofta buna!

N.B. Se poate servi cu orez sau crochete de cartofi. Se poate adauga putin maghiran, optional, pentru un plus de aroma.

porc cu mere 2

porc cu mere 3

porc cu mere 4

The inspiration for this recipe came from a number of “Secretele bucatariei”, changing a bit the ingredients and the method. I love using fruits in savory dishes. This one is especially tasty and I invite you to try it.




  • 500g pork, cut in cubes;
  • 2 medium onions, finely chopped;
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced;
  • 300 ml apple juice;
  • 500 ml hot water;
  • 3 or 4 apples;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Salt, pepper.

Put the pork to cook in a little oil, in a deep pan. The moment it changes the color, add the onion and cook for a couple of minutes. Put in the hot water and let it simmer on low heat for around 40 minutes. Complete with hot water when needed. Add salt and apple juice. Let it simmer another 15-20 minutes on low heat. Peel the apples and slice them. Add them in the pot with some lemon juice, honey and garlic. Let it cook, stirring a bit, for another 5 minutes or so. Season with pepper and more salt, if needed. Remove from heat. Enjoy!

N.B. You can serve this with rice or hash browns. You can also add some marjoram, for an extra flavor.

11 thoughts on “Tocanita de porc cu mere – Apple&Pork Stew

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